Inspired by the Talmidim, Chayolei Beis Dovid created a program that generates a personalized Chitas for every Talmid.
Each Talmid chose what he wants in his booklet, then on Sunday receives his personalized Chitas booklet.
The benefits of this booklet:
- This booklet only has what he will use. The Talmid may change his mind at any time to start including more to his booklet as he gets better at it.
- Unlike other Chitas booklets, this booklet is divided by the days, not the subject: Sunday’s Tanya appears right after Sunday’s Chumash (as apposed to having the entire Chumash for the week bunched together, then turn 20 pages to find today’s day in the Tanya section…)
- The cost: The Talmidim receive their booklets free of charge. (The printing costs less than 25 cents per booklet and is sponsored by Talmidim who want to pay for their whole class. The "labor" of stapling etc. is done by Talmidim who volunteer their time to prepare these booklets for their classmates.)
Baruch Hashem, many Talmidim happily reported that with the development of these personalized Chitas booklets, they’ve now started learning Chitas for the first time.
Update: Baruch Hashem, the rate of Talmidim starting to learn Chitas continues to rise! Currently, over 90% of the Talmidim in 7th and 8th grade learn Chitas every day on their personal level!
Update: After witnessing the success of this project, CBD will IY"H be opening the project to the public on the future site:
The site is not yet available to the public and requires a password to enter. Please contact us ( if you wish to print your own personalized Chitas and we will send you an entry password.
Since the start of the project on Parshas Bo, the options of what's available to be included in the booklet grew. Currently the Talmidim may choose from:
Chumash English Synopsis
Thought from Daily Tehillim (English)
Tanya English Synopsis
Rambam – 1 Perek
Rambam – 3 Prokim English Synopsis
Rambam – Sefer Hamitzvos
Rambam – Sefer Hamitzvos English
Hayom Yom
Hayom Yom English Synopsis
Daily Chassidic Thought (English)
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