In response to the repeated requests like "Please send me pics of my son at yesterday's trip", and the like, we will BL"N use this space to keep the parents posted of their children's successes.
We started with posting 2 videos of the 2 most recent events, hopefully we will get to post pictures of the past events too. But in the meantime, at least for a flashback memory, here are some titles of highlights this year:
Special Mivtzas:
(This section was last updated Adar II 5774)
- Tishrei: Bombardiren (Utilizing Rosh Hashana)
- Cheshvan: Bo Bayomim (Filling the days of Sukkos vacation)
- Kislev: Weekly Duchs to the Rebbe, with one new Hachloto each week
- Teves: Hachana L'Yud Shvat (3 Hachlotos every week)
- Shvat/Adar I: Ani Nivreisi Lshamesh Es Koni (3 Hachlotos every week, one of them being a Gashmiusdikeh achievement)
- Adar II: Hachana L'Yud Alef Nissan (Launching now)
- Sundays & Tuesdays: Rambam Teleconference
- Thursday nights: Gym in Oholei Torah, then Seder Sichos in Yagdil Torah (for 8th grade. 7th grade has Mishmar in Oholei Torah)
- Friday: Mivtzoim (8th grade, with Chavrusas. 7th grade, as one big group)
- Shabbos morning: Chassidus Shiur in "the tunnel" of 770 (in the back)
- Shabbos afternoon: Mesibas Shabbos (winter Shabbosim: Melave Malka on Motzoei Shabbos)
- Hiking the Greenbelt
- Scavenger Hunt in the NY Transit Museum (7th grade)
- Not-More-Than-Four Trip (8th grade)
- Snowtubing (7th grade)
- Skiing (8th grade)
- Sports Complex of Queens
More Highlights:
- Tahalucho (Rosh Hashana & Simchas Torah)
- Chanukah Play (by 8th grade)
- Shabbatons (8th grade. Credit for the 7th grade Shabbaton goes to the Mishmar staff)
- Rosh Chodesh Kislev Farbrengen with Rabbi Aharonson & Achiezer Langsam
- Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen with R' Matisyahu Devlin
- Yud Shvat Farbrengen with Rabbi Rivkin, Rabbi Aharonson and Achiezer Langsam
We can always be contacted at:
General Phone: (225)CHAYOL-1
Moishy Goldstein: (347)988-0780
Shaya Spielman: (347)578-5208
Dudi Slapochnik: (917)287-5471
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